Our Story
Hi! My name is Nannette and I created DWYLbn (Do What You LOVE by nannette) in late 2019 and officially launched it on February 14, 2020.
Just a little over two years ago, I discovered my passion for succulents. This was when I started appreciating the beauty of the succulents that my cousin planted in our backyard.
One day, I tried to re-plant some of them and surprisingly, they stayed alive and healthy more than anything else. It gave me a very rewarding feeling and I wondered, had my thumbs turned green?
Since then, I look forward to every weekend where I can spend time at home, with my amazing husband Michael and four-legged son Luther, just planting and singing to my succulents. Oh that’s right, I was doing what I loved!
Week after week, our family got bigger and bigger. I journeyed myself going to antique stores in search of unique vessels to plant my succulents in. I would then have beautiful creations lined up in our deck. It gave me so much joy and pleasure to just look at them. I thought to myself, maybe I can start gifting them to friends and colleagues who also have appreciation for succulents.
Finding my creations new homes where they would be given the same care and love that I did, was another reason to keep doing what I love. Sharing the techniques of planting and nurturing succulents give me joy and have become one of my life's best virtues. ❤